Thursday, March 15, 2012

DIY Magazine Box (from a cardboard wine box)

I hate throwing stuff away.  Recycling is super cool... but I'd rather use it for something.  But how!?  Well, with wine boxes, I've found they work perfectly for holding my sheet music, financial files, and the list goes on and on.

So, after the wine has disappeared, somewhat carefully pull the top of the box open.  Pull the bag out (you may have another glass or so of wine to enjoy!) and recycle. :)  Then... just find some wrapping paper or contact paper and cover the box!  You can leave the handles, if you'd like--
Or cut them off--
You may even want to cut the corner at an angle like the REAL magazine boxes have.  I don't usually bother.  In the picture above, I used the winter looking wrapping paper for my Christmas music.  You can go nuts with all the details.  I just keep it simple.  Ta-dah!!

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