I'm constantly trying to organize my classroom better. I'm a freak about organization. I have to actively tell myself "I will not straighten those books", etc. :) I'm also CONSTANTLY hearing "What do we do when we are done?" and "Where do I put this?" So, I decided to try this idea and see if it would be helpful in any way. I hope it will help STUDENTS by forcing them to READ THE DIRECTIONS again, after I explain them aloud. And that it will also help ME to monitor how fast they are completing tasks and who needs more to do or who needs more support.
I think the idea is pretty self explanatory but, to be totally clear--
*I labeled clips with numbers 1-30 (being that my largest class is 38... I plan to add more :).
*I'll write various steps on tag board and put in the appropriate order each time.
*Students move their clips to the row of the step they are on.
*One thing I've noticed after just ONE CLASS using it- I'll be more detailed with my written direction. Instead of just "Finish Paper", I'd have "Finish paper. Put in "IN" box". (That is one of my most frequent question/answers. They ALWAYS hand in to the "IN" box. ALWAYS. Why do they always ask??)
Again, remember I am a music teacher, so I have over 400 kids. I like the idea of having NAMES on the clips, but I can't. Students in 2nd grade or higher typically have a student number in their classroom and have it memorized, so I'm trying the number system out.
I could use 'sticks' instead but I like how these are clip-able, more sturdy and skinny.
It's an idea. We'll see!