Being a 'specials' teacher isn't the same as being a classroom teacher. I don't have a classroom party or gift exchange... good thing because I have 450 students instead of just 20-30. :) But, I occasionally do get gifts from students and I like to give a special little gift in return to say thanks.
Over my few years, I've come up with this little 'trick':
I buy little, durable ornaments at after Christmas sales and give those along with a tag/thank you note to each gift-giver.
My students really like to get a special present from me and I've heard parents say their kids think it's really cool to get their OWN ornament. :) It's quick and simple enough that I can do it for each gift.
On a side note, my mom made a point each Christmas to put a teeny tag on each of my ornaments, noting the year and who it was from. She did the same for my 5 siblings, so you can imagine the amount of time it took. But, now we each have our own collection of ornaments and can see who we got each from and how old the ornament is. It's awesome. I plan to do the same thing with my kids- I hope!
Merry Christmas everyone! The giving is the best! :)